HMRC issues ‘tax refund companies’ alert

Newsletter issue – June 2024

HMRC is warning against being hooked by self-professed ‘tax refund companies’ claiming they can help you reduce your tax bill.  

The organisation is running a campaign to highlight that some of these ‘tax experts’ will offer to make expense claims "on your behalf, just so they can claim a commission – even if it turns out you aren’t eligible to claim ".  

"If someone promises easy money and it sounds too good to be true, it probably is," HMRC says.   

"Handing over your personal information could mean you end up having to pay back the full amount of any invalid claim made on your behalf, including any commission an agent has already taken."  

It advises people to undertake thorough research. Of course, this is why it’s so important to speak to a verified, qualified, experienced accountancy professional about anything to do with your tax-related matters.  

If you think you may be eligible for a tax refund, have a question, or want to understand more about an aspect of your tax obligations, please get in touch with us and our team will be very happy to offer informed guidance.  

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